Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day#1: Just the Beginning

This blog shares the journey of a young girl who loves to travel the world. She is not famous, nor known for doing anything in particular. She is just a girl willing to help those in need. That girl happens to be me! My name is Dakotah and I am sixteen years old. This is my very first blog post and I am so excited to be sharing my story with others. I'm craving something out of life but I'm not sure what that is. I know I could grow to be many different things. I'm searching for my place in the world. In spite of this uncertainty, one thing I know for sure is this: I have found great satisfaction in helping people- I want to inspire others to make positive changes in the world. I have found that even small efforts can impact the lives of others. I've seen it with my own eyes. This blog will include diaries of my travels and my ideas about helping people. Maybe you'll become inspired and will have your own crazy journeys. This is just the beginning...